SAM VSO Union Strikes on Black Friday After Years of Corporate Misdeeds

The SAM VSO Union consists of a group of 54 Visitor Service Officers, or VSOs. On Black Friday, they started their strike. Strikes are typically one of the last options a union will exercise to make clear to their employer and the general public that their working conditions are unacceptable and their concerns up until this point have been largely ignored. Before the formation of the SAM VSO Union, there were a series of escalations in organized action against Seattle Art Museum (SAM) leadership and policies.

Samuel Brown

Samuel (he/him) is an optimist who believes in the power of interlocution to foster a more informed community and speak truth to power. Art is not merely a commodity. He enjoys working on film projects with his brother Wesley like The Sam and Wes Internet Experience. He is an ever-learning actor who took lessons from Emmy Award-winning director John Jacobsen and trained at Seattle's Freehold Theatre. He is also a musician with multiple albums who plays the guitar, piano, violin and electric bass. Samuel received his B.A. in Philosophy with a Minor in Spanish from Western Washington University in December of 2022.

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