WA State Black Legacy Institute Cradles Community in History, Art, Education

As they wrapped up the speeches and braced for the ribbon cutting, Savanna Boles was invited to sing. During her rendition of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”, it began to snow. At first it was a magical dusting, but as the music swelled, so did the weather. We followed the singer as everyone was ushered inside and out of the cold. A few joked that the ancestors were saying, "Get on with it, it's cold!" Inside the music switched to a vocal accompaniment to “Glory,” and the ribbon was cut. With that, the Washington State Black Legacy Institute was officially open.

Raegan Ballard-Gennrich

(she/her) Raegan is a newly established Washingtonian. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University where she majored in English with a minor in Professional Writing and Editing. In her spare time she writes and reads romance novels— the smuttier the better. As a self-described serial hobbyist, she is always on the hunt for a new craft or class to dabble in. She also loves theater, music, art, and anything else where passion and creativity reign supreme. In her professional life she works in Emergency Preparedness at the Washington State Department of Health. Raegan identifies as a Black, polyamorous woman and is excited to amplify voices within those communities while sharing her personal experiences.

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