Top 10 Candidates for PNW Bird of the Century

After John Oliver’s aggressive campaign for the Puteketeke to become New Zealand’s Bird of the Century, it seemed only right that I follow in his footsteps to elect my own Pacific Northwest Bird of the Century. I may not go so far as to don a giant bird-suit on live television (like John Oliver did on Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show), but I’ll happily offer up my own strong opinions of the little flying creatures we see around the Sound. So buckle up for the Top 10 Birds of the PNW, culminating in my pick for the PNW’s Bird of the Century.

Parker Dean

Parker Dean (he/him) is a queer and trans writer based in the Seattle area. Originally from California, he is committed to exploring Seattle, its museums, its parks, and all the cozy spaces in between. As a recent graduate of UW Bothell's Creative Writing and Poetics MFA program, he brings to the table a hunger for literature and the arts. Parker Dean is currently the Non-Fiction editor-in-chief of Silly Goose Press LLC, and his work can be found or is forthcoming in Bullshit Lit!, Troublemaker Firestarter, and Clamor. If not writing, he is usually birdwatching in the wetlands or nursing a chai latte at his desk. 

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