Juni One Set: Stunning Immersive Mythos with Myriad Arts

It began like many myths do: in darkness. Thin beams of light panned over the space from the back of the house, curious and searching. Nishimura and Kohl descended upon the stage with headlamps strapped to their brows, exploring the space with a playful curiosity. Once they arrived, lighting by Jessica Trundy illuminated the set and established the world of the performance. Transparent projection screens stretched across three points of the set, two of which concealed platforms the performers utilized throughout the performance.

Calista Robbins

(she/her) Calista Robbins has always been enraptured with storytelling in all the forms it takes. As a novelist, a dancer, a lighting designer, a theater critic, and a concept creator, she set out into the world after graduating from the Dance Production program at UNLV to find stories in the people and places she came across, and to bring them to center stage.

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