What Will it Take to Keep Cinema Spaces Alive?

The cineplexes have suffered, yes, but it’s the neighborhood theaters and the art houses that are facing the brunt of the downturn. If people choose to see a film, they are more inclined to see it in a theater that provides an experience. It is not enough to be with strangers staring at a large screen. Now that screen has to be so big you have to turn your head, or the seats have to recline, or there needs to be a meal service and alcohol. People are searching for the nouveau riche instead of the walkable and homey.

Zach Youngs

(he/him) Zach's life is made better by being surrounded by art. He writes about his passions. He is a freelance film critic and essayist. He loves film and devours books. He seeks the type of cinema that gives him goosebumps and prose that tickles his brain. He wants to discover the mysteries of the creative process through conversation and a dissection of craft.

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