Bruce Lee Tribute Murals Illuminate Legacy, Hope, Inspiration in International District

Seattle’s International District buzzed with energy on November 27, 2024, as the community honored the 83rd birthday of the late action star Bruce Lee. With newly unveiled murals, the celebration not only paid homage to Lee’s legacy but also reinforced the neighborhood's commitment to cultural preservation and artistic vitality.

Michael Baldovino

(he/they) Michael originally moved to Seattle in 2016 to earn his MA in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and took a career path into change management serving the public sector. Michael works as an actor within the West Coast area for many commercial clients and theatrical roles in films such as Dyonisia and Cowboy Boots. He is also a Philanthropy Director for The Teacher Fund, raising money for low-income schools across the PNW. Michael seeks to provide more equitable access to the arts among queer, BIPOC, and at-risk youth and young adults. Michael raises underrepresented voices within the Puget Sound visual arts community.

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