Ranked Choice Voting in Washington’s Future

Politics isn’t showing any signs of becoming less polarizing and divisive. We need system reforms that change the conditions we vote in so that we can change the conditions we live in. The 2028 presidential primary will be here before we know it, and we deserve to be in a position to vote our respective truths knowing our voice will be heard in a meaningful way.

Cohort of WA State Delegates

Kimber Starr, Tacoma - State Delegation Chair of the 29th Legislative District Democrats for the Washington State Democratic Convention

Jamia McRae, Tacoma - State Delegate for the 27th Legislative District Democrats at the Washington State Democratic Convention 

Hanna Floss, Bellevue - State Delegate for the 48th Legislative District Democrats for the Washington State Democratic Convention, Precinct Committee Officer in LD48

Stephen Kirby, Spokane - State Delegate for the 3rd Legislative District Democrats at the Washington State Democratic Convention, and Joe Biden Delegate for the Democratic National Convention

Linda Grez, North Bend - State Delegate for the 12th Legislative District Democrats for the Washington State Democratic Convention

Michael Martin, Vancouver - Precinct Committee Officer in Legislative District 49

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