Will Seattle Fund Social Housing?

With the historic November election still visible in our rear view mirrors, Seattle voters will be taking to their ballots again in just a few weeks’ time for the February 11, 2025, special election. Among their bubbles will be a voter initiative regarding social housing—this time to fund it. The initiative will appear on the ballot as Prop 1A, but will compete against a City Council alternative called Prop 1B, currently being backed by the Seattle Chamber of Commerce.

Andre Stackhouse

(he/him) Andre is a writer, software engineer, political organizer, and lifelong Washingtonian. He earned his B.S. in Informatics: Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Washington where he also worked as the Arts & Leisure editor at the student paper The Daily of the University of Washington. He works as a universal healthcare advocate as executive director of the nonprofit Whole Washington. He enjoys bringing his analytical and multidisciplinary perspective to a wide range of topics including media, technology, and public policy.

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