Legendary Trolls: Jakob Two Trees

“Long ago,” Theo said, “this land was ruled by beings of another world. Sprites and hidden folk. Nymphs and animal spirits. But the largest of all were the trolls.” He gestured to the giant ahead, and Thomas took in the vast, wooden creature, awestruck. “They tended to the land, caught fish in the rivers, and planted trees. Then one day, Man came to the forest. With axes brandished, they felled the trees that had been planted. They tore up the land and declared it their own.

“A moot was held in the forest between all who lived within it. The rodents cried out, filled with terror, ‘What do we do?’

Calista Robbins

(she/her) Calista Robbins has always been enraptured with storytelling in all the forms it takes. As a novelist, a dancer, a lighting designer, a theater critic, and a concept creator, she set out into the world after graduating from the Dance Production program at UNLV to find stories in the people and places she came across, and to bring them to center stage.

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