GeekGirlCon '24: Bigger, Bolder, and 100% Geekier

Geek Girl Con has been a mainstay of Seattle conventions since 2011, and aims to create a safe and inclusive space to elevate voices and perspectives which are often ignored and left out, especially within traditional “geek” spaces. It is often regarded as Seattle’s biggest “small” convention with over 50,000 attendees per year. 

Andre Stackhouse

(he/him) Andre is a writer, software engineer, political organizer, and lifelong Washingtonian. He earned his B.S. in Informatics: Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Washington where he also worked as the Arts & Leisure editor at the student paper The Daily of the University of Washington. He works as a universal healthcare advocate as executive director of the nonprofit Whole Washington. He enjoys bringing his analytical and multidisciplinary perspective to a wide range of topics including media, technology, and public policy.

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