Legendary Trolls: Bruun Idun

Bruun Idun, your ancestors saw the glacial ice as it covered the world. They watched as it receded and carved this land. The retreating ice dug deeply for water to seep and swell, rising to fill basins. The water created islands, inlets, bays, coves, straits, and peninsulas. It teemed with life birthing new species and giving a home to others. The whales ruled near the surface and the octopuses kept their kingdom below the murky depths. The water blossomed as the land called to new creatures.

Zach Youngs

(he/him) Zach's life is made better by being surrounded by art. He writes about his passions. He is a freelance film critic and essayist. He loves film and devours books. He seeks the type of cinema that gives him goosebumps and prose that tickles his brain. He wants to discover the mysteries of the creative process through conversation and a dissection of craft.

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Legendary Trolls: Troll Mama