Filmmaker Lightell Chats Fetish to Farce on Manbaby

Local filmmaker Tim Lightell has released a Manbaby into the world. The film is about Sal and Dana, a married couple who encounter a snag in their relationship when Dana reveals she doesn't want kids. Sal comes up with a harebrained scheme, he pretends he's been transformed into a baby, to try and trick Dana into getting on board with the idea of children. Yet, his plan doesn't work out exactly as he hoped.

Zach Youngs

(he/him) Zach's life is made better by being surrounded by art. He writes about his passions. He is a freelance film critic and essayist. He loves film and devours books. He seeks the type of cinema that gives him goosebumps and prose that tickles his brain. He wants to discover the mysteries of the creative process through conversation and a dissection of craft.

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