The film asks us to remember the early days of isolation in the COVID-19 pandemic, to recall times when we felt particularly isolated from our communities. One particularly poignant section of the film asks us to consider, in those early days, what it felt like to try and hold someone from afar, to try to build connection when physically coming together and sharing space was impossible.
Parker Dean (he/him) is a queer and trans writer based in the Seattle area. Originally from California, he is committed to exploring Seattle, its museums, its parks, and all the cozy spaces in between. As a recent graduate of UW Bothell's Creative Writing and Poetics MFA program, he brings to the table a hunger for literature and the arts. Parker Dean is currently the Non-Fiction editor-in-chief of Silly Goose Press LLC, and his work can be found or is forthcoming in Bullshit Lit!, Troublemaker Firestarter, and Clamor. If not writing, he is usually birdwatching in the wetlands or nursing a chai latte at his desk.