Don’t Fear the Reaper in Blue Lights

There’s a sense of dread when you watch an ensemble film about a landmark birthday. The tension you assume is that the grim reaper is the last guest and the party is a way to tell everyone you love that death is imminent. Yet, Blue Lights subverts and twists this tension into something else. People who bring baggage to the party in one way, leave with new, but healthier baggage at the end.

Zach Youngs

(he/him) Zach's life is made better by being surrounded by art. He writes about his passions. He is a freelance film critic and essayist. He loves film and devours books. He seeks the type of cinema that gives him goosebumps and prose that tickles his brain. He wants to discover the mysteries of the creative process through conversation and a dissection of craft.

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